Leaving from home in the dark At a time good for sleeping Driving through the darkness Waiting for the return of the light
I could barely catch my breath Watching the growing daylight As the finest curtain of mist Veiled the torrent of the angry Tay
Travelling off the beaten track Where technology meets ecology As the land cries out for healing We treat her with the gentlest gloves
A beautiful day at its height Though the sun's zenith was low White frost and snow on the peaks Made the mountains more glorious
Loch tay had a touch of heaven We were heading for the west The hills all around crianlarich Have a beauty that never subsides
Loch Lomond was bigger than usual Weeks of rain had swelled her banks How gorgeous are the scottish hills Never did I feel so much at home
Never had we got such a welcome From both our kin and friends To see them was such a blessing That filled up our hearts with joy
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