George had always been a lonely boy Yet never was he left alone Tommy always the popular one His truth was never known
(Chorus) What a sad way it turned out Tommy was taken away Georges life lay crumpled Outside the door that day
George and Tommy met one night A sleeper heading Glasgow way When george invited him over He never knew how long he'd stay
George and Tommy got married A civil ceremony in town Each was faithul to the other never let each other down
Then one night it happened George came home with friends Tommy lay broken on the doorstep A knife between his ribs
The police said it was George Who dealt the fatal blow He never got to say goodbye When Tommy was laid below
No evidence to convict him they had to let him go Always protested innocence Nobody wanted to know
One day George had enough And made like he could fly From the top of the high flats He knew he'd surely die
Back together forever Heaven is no bad place George and Tommy eternal Love growing day by day
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