Two Genders

I looked up
And saw that face
A girlish smile
in a boyish frame
I smiled, they blushed

And they say there's two genders
It's only the lies they'll tell ya
Only boy and girl, a gulf between
Filled with people like me

just an Emo
What does that mean?
What makes them tick?
What is their scene?
Fluidity of gender.

A Bowie fan
pretty face made up
A man's shirt, a tie
feminine Masculine
It's the shades of grey

An absolute beginner
re-learning the lines
that define gender
they don't exist
gender was never fixed.

September 2008

Poetry - Gender Stuff

Two become one
All Change
Aussie Boy
Beautiful Souls
Boy Girl
Be Yourself
The boy in the skirt
Be the girl you are
Call Me Louise
Simple Courtesy
Excuse Me
Girly Side
Grey Space
I am Rebecca
The Invisible Line
Kill The Lie
L'Attitude Femme
So Lucky
I must start living
Middle Ground
No Confusion
Other Girls
The Old System
Rosie Must Live
Release The Girl Inside
So Beautiful
See Me
Space Between
Two Genders
Two lives is one too many
Why Are You A Girl
Be The Woman
You're a Beautiful Woman