Grey Space

If you strip away all the veneer
What will you see, What do you see
Do you see the boy I could never be?
Or the girl I never measure up to
No pretence, No smoke, No mirrors
Only the one, the truth, Just me

You can slap me with a fender
Put my arm into a blender
Do things that they would censor
But you can't define my gender

Raised with the life of a boy
I saw in my twenties with despair
I wasn't a guy, Didn't wanna try
If not a man then what could I be
The only other option was a girl
The he must become a she

You can slap me with a fender
Put my arm into a blender
Do things that they would censor
But you can't define my gender

Life as a girl was the only choice
I could see, or comprehend
Gender was just black and white
No spectrum, Just the very ends
I took the plunge, Girls life for me
Never saw the space between

You can slap me with a fender
Put my arm into a blender
Do things that they would censor
But you can't define my gender

Was the truth so black and white?
Did my problems vanish in the night?
Polar gender I learned was a lie
Very few people fit those extremes
Feminine girls and Masculine boys
Everyone else is in-between

You can slap me with a fender
Put my arm into a blender
Do things that they would censor
But you can't define my gender

More than a decade passed by
My life as a girl, nearly worked
Mind split, Splintered, Shredded
I saw the boys, I saw the girls
I saw those without a gender
I was a boy, a girl and neither

You can slap me with a fender
Put my arm into a blender
Do things that they would censor
But you can't define my gender

Gender Bender, Blender, Mender
I yearn to learn, Find my own place
Is that too much to ask for
An infinite variety in the grey space
Some in the middle, the androgyne
Some nearer boys, some nearer girls

You can slap me with a fender
Put my arm into a blender
Do things that they would censor
But you can't define my gender

July 2008

Poetry - Gender Stuff

Two become one
All Change
Aussie Boy
Beautiful Souls
Boy Girl
Be Yourself
The boy in the skirt
Be the girl you are
Call Me Louise
Simple Courtesy
Excuse Me
Girly Side
Grey Space
I am Rebecca
The Invisible Line
Kill The Lie
L'Attitude Femme
So Lucky
I must start living
Middle Ground
No Confusion
Other Girls
The Old System
Rosie Must Live
Release The Girl Inside
So Beautiful
See Me
Space Between
Two Genders
Two lives is one too many
Why Are You A Girl
Be The Woman
You're a Beautiful Woman