
As a solar festival, the date of the summer solstice varies between the 20th and the 23rd of june, typically falling on the 21st. This is the longest day of the year, with very few hours of darkness, even as far north as here in the UK.

The God, as symbolised by the sun is at his strongest on this day. His strength will decrease from now until Mabon, the autumnal equinox where he will slip into the spiritual plane to be reborn at Yule.

It is traditional to get up at dawn to watch the sunrise and to celebrate the fulness of the sun whose decline is beginning. Many people are drawn to the ancient monuments such as stonehenge and other standing stones and circles around the world at this time.

For some folks, elaborate rituals are done to mark this day, for others including myself a wee walk in the countryside or along a sea shore can be as spiritually fulfilling as a pilgrimage to rome might be for other folks.

Related Christian Day - 21st June, Feast of John the Baptist.

Edited 20 December 2024