Turn Down The Noise

Turn down the noise
Turn down the noise
Have some quiet in my mind
Too many voices
Hurting, Screaming, Crying

One step at a time
Things would be clearer
Why are things like this
Why do we hurt so
Did someone make us this way?

Turn down the noise
Of many minds inside
Going beyond the normal
Constraints of a single body
I cant think, there is no I

Noise Noise Noise
Hurt Pain Despair
Why are things this way
Just some quiet please
a break from the noise

Little Boys, Little Girls
All are me, Locked inside
Crying and Hurting
There are no answers
Only questions

Poetry - Head Stuff

Childhood Robbery
Cutting Out Pain
Disaster, Pain, Fear
Dulling The Pain
Evil Aunt
False Fear
Harm Myself
Heal Thyself
Innocence Shattered
Morning (Alt)
Turn Down The Noise
No More
On The Edge
Sea Of Confidence
Silent Scream
Time Aint A Healer
Together Stronger
Unfair Pressure
Who Could You Be