Evil Aunt

How many souls must suffer
Before any justice is done
How many children are screaming
But never tell dad or mum

How the nights are fearsome
When the loathesome aunt comes
Dont leave the kids with her
You can't trust the bad one

But mum nor dad can't fix
The problem they've never seen
Unthinkable and unbearable
The things that aunt has done

The children now adult suffer
Their life is not quite their own
History hangs over their shoulder
Like a shadow just out of site

Yet time can be a healer
A fulfilling life can be led
Tender love and patience
A golden light eclipses the shadow

As time has passed we are healing
Our life begins to grow fruit
Still in our mind the truth is hidden
Locked away keeping us safe

Is it good to leave it hidden?
Like a seed that will never grow
Or mus the truth be revealed
Allowing us all to grow

Miss Rosemary Carrie Fedrguson
- 27 November 2006

Poetry - Head Stuff

Childhood Robbery
Cutting Out Pain
Disaster, Pain, Fear
Dulling The Pain
Evil Aunt
False Fear
Harm Myself
Heal Thyself
Innocence Shattered
Morning (Alt)
Turn Down The Noise
No More
On The Edge
Sea Of Confidence
Silent Scream
Time Aint A Healer
Together Stronger
Unfair Pressure
Who Could You Be